Thursday, March 22, 2012

The World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie

First off, thank you everybody for all the wonderful emails I've been receiving regarding my blog. Good to know you're all reading and enjoying my adventures. Thank you thank you! :)

I see a lot of recipes out there titled "Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Ever". Oh really now? How are all these different cookies and recipes all the best? I guess I'll just have to take one for the team and start researching. I bring you The-Worlds-Best-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie Research project.

Cookie #1:  This recipe included a story about how these cookies were so awesome that they would induce a marriage proposal, so naturally I was intrigued to start here.

Nothing smells better than brown sugar

I just lied to you. Nothing smells better than brown sugar in melting butter...

Basically these cookies were pretty fantastic and despite burning the first batch I was able to get the perfect timing on the last one (11 min = cookie perfection).

Summary: While there is still no diamond ring on my left hand, it's hard to imagine a more perfect chocolate chip cookie. They're good both hot and cold, excellent texture (not too soft, not to crispy) and just all around yummy. I think my test subjects around the office agree and my roommate has dubbed them the best thing I've ever baked. But, there are others out there claiming they are better so we'll have to do our due diligence and keep trucking.

To be continued...

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